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LYGG Sustainability

Our business model contributes to sustainable flying today and paves the way for emission-free aviation future. Flying with LYGG has direct effects on company’s carbon footprint and CO2 emissions.

Sustainable Flying is Flying Only When Needed

Our sustainable business model is based on avoiding unnecessary flying, flying direct, and using right-sized aircrafts. Today we reduce emissions further by deploying Sustainable Aviation Fuel, SAF in our operations.

Flying Direct

LYGG’s route planning is based on corporate customers needs, as directly as possible. Flying directly to the end destination is always the most sustainable choice considering all factors.

Aircraft Size Based on Volume

LYGG is not an airline. We use the best operators in the market to match our customer volume with the right-sized aircrafts. Our operators are EU-approved with a commercial license (AOC) and whose aircrafts meet our own quality standards.

Our fleet includes a versatile range of aircraft, including 5-6 seaters, 8-9 seaters, 19-seaters, and 33-seaters, up to 70-seaters. Learn more about our fleet.

Deploying Sustainable Aviation Fuel

We aim to use 100 % Sustainable Aviation Fuel, SAF, within 12 months of starting a new route. Using SAF reduces CO2 emissions up to 80 % compared to traditional jet fuel.

How it works:

  • LYGG buys SAF based on estimated consumption
  • Our current partner, Neste, distributes SAF in the aviation fuel ecosystem that LYGG’s operators use
  • LYGG gets an origin certificate for all SAF deployed
  • LYGG equals SAF quota based on actual use

Read more about Sustainable Aviation Fuel (

LYGG's Electra aircraft over Helsinki

Towards Emission Free Flying

We are investing in emission free aviation. Our mission is to bring hybrid aircrafts to business travel no later than 2027 and introduce emission free flying 2030.

Read more about our thoughts: